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Our Services > Training Workshops
Training Workshops
ISE is recognized to be capable of:
Empowering corporate members to deal with differences within their organizations as well as with outside parties.
Transforming people's mindset to practice mediation techniques in their daily work in order to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.
We provide both standardized educational program and customized in-house training, based on identified training needs of different organizations. We draw on highly qualified experts in different areas to conduct courses and seminars on large variety of topics.
ISE offers training for different levels of participants. Principled Negotiation and Mediation Orientation are seminars for junior staff. We also organized an array of seminars with featured topics targeted at CEOs, businesspersons and professionals from different fields.
We also take care of clients who are troubled by workplace conflict. We have local training sessions that focus on Peer Mediation and Team Mediation. We also introduce the Certificate Conference in Managing Workplace Conflict, an overseas course offered by Mediation Training Institute International (MTI-USA) with Law Society CPD points accredited. ISE Negotiation Workshop is designed for negotiation savvy who would like to polish their negotiation skills.

This 40-hours program is jointly offered by HKU SPACE (SPACE) and ISE Consultants Ltd. The program has been accredited by the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited (HKMAAL) as the stage 1 of the accredited mediator.

The Certificate will be awarded by HKU SPACE and following is the description from the School.

Conflict management coaching, also known as conflict coaching, is a specialized niche in the field of coaching and conflict management. It is a process in which a trained coach assists people on a one-on-one basis to effectively manage their interpersonal disputes and enhance their conflict management skills. This technique may also be used to coach people to more confidently and effectively participate in mediation, negotiation and relational conflicts.