attorneys at law

Interpersonal/Relationship conflict
When people have conflicts, they focus more on the substance. When people negotiate to the conflicts, they work on the solutions. Organizations and substance has no different views, but human being do. It is therefore all conflicts are arisen from the people and most are people's problem. Professor Roger Fisher mentioned in "Getting to Yes" that we need to separate people from the problem. If the issues are caused by relationship, we need to resolve the relationship issues before approach to deal with the substance issue. Conflict in workplace is inevitable for competent leader and the effects of conflict on people and profit are dramatic. But not all conflict is destructive and painful; it depends on how one manages it. Conflict can be the catalyst for corporate advancement.
Cherry 剛轉職到一金融機構後不久,便感到被同事針對,什至發電郵給上司投訴自己,Cherry心感莫名其妙,覺得是上一輩的人是無法跟得上的她新一代的工作橂式,同時自己表現出色得到上司的重用令同事們妒忌所至。然而長此以往,對自己仕途不利,總要想辦法解決…

前陣子,我參加了一個調解工作坊,心想當中的技巧或能助我緩解夫妻間的衝突.於是,我向Roy求救。Roy用 Conflict Management 的 Coaching Model 幫助我從不同角度,重新審視自己和太太的關係。由設定目標,瞭解現況,預計機危,選取方案,排練修正,到付諸實施,一步一步的走來,想不 Coaching Model 竟能令一段頻臨破裂的婚姻關係重現曙光。Roy,謝謝您!
Contact Us
+852 2851 6006
Room 4D, 88 Commercial Building,
28-34, Wing Lok Street
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Areas of Services
40-hours accredited mediation training
Executive programs with Certificate

經過你們在星期一晚上的調解指導,我思考後,給了自己三個與同事的溝通方法,然後在昨天(7 月13日星期三,我覺得是一個非常難得又適合的機會),我選擇踏出第一步,直接與同事對話,希望盡快解決問題。結果,我昨晚睡得很好,心情輕鬆了。
CHENG Sir,冼律師,Kathy﹕謝謝你們在百忙中給予的指導和幫助。